Our style

Almost 100 years of making cookers
Almost 100 years of making cookers
We realized that we had become in the rare position of
manufacturing, importing, and selling mountaineering
equipment since the early Showa period.
Always new items, Always new proposals.
Based on the concept of “light and compact”,
we will make an effort another 100 years from now on.
Moving with “food, clothing, and shelter/necessities of life” on one’s back. That is our style of mountaineering.
Moving with “food, clothing, and shelter/necessities of life” on one’s back. That is our style of mountaineering.
“Lightness” is of paramunt importance in mountaineering!
Nevertheless, it is important to find an appropriate
equilibrium between the tool’s durability and weight.
In the area of “food” among “clothing, food, and shelter,”
we have been proposing lightweighting as a system.
How can we offer the enjoyment of food while seeking
lightness and compactness?

The pursuit of eating never stops.
Sleeping system
Sleeping system
From this year, we will propose a total sleeping system
for “ shelter” as well.
Products in this category are just weights until you get
to your tent site.
How much comfort do you want with the limited
weight you can carry?
While we recognize the importance of reducing the weight of individual items, we believe that a holistic approach to the system as a whole can result in both weight and space savings.
We will try to strike this balance in our new proposals.